hysop.parameters.tensor_parameter module

class hysop.parameters.tensor_parameter.TensorParameter(name, shape, dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>, pretty_name=None, initial_value=None, min_value=None, max_value=None, ignore_nans=False, **kwds)[source]

Bases: Parameter

A tensor parameter is np.ndarray of a given dtype and shape that may change value as simulation advances.

Initialize a TaggedObject with a tag prefix/postfix/formatter, all optional.


Get a read-only subview on this array parameter.

static __new__(cls, name, shape, dtype=<class 'numpy.float64'>, pretty_name=None, initial_value=None, min_value=None, max_value=None, ignore_nans=False, **kwds)[source]

Create or get an existing TensorParameter with a specific name shape and dtype.

  • name (string) – A name for the parameter that uniquely identifies it.

  • pretty_name (string) – A pretty name for the parameter.

  • shape (array like of ints) – Shape of this TensorParameter.

  • dtype (type convertible to np.dtype, optional) – Underlying dtype of this TensorParameter. Defaults to HYSOP_REAL.

  • initial_value (optional, defaults to an uninitialized array.) – Initial value as a scalar or np.ndarray. If not initial value is given, all values initialized to 0.

  • min_value (scalar, optional, defaults to None) – Minimum value allowed for this parameter.

  • max_value (scalar, optional, defaults to None) – Maximum value allowed for this parameter.

  • ignore_nans (bool) – Set this to True to allow NaN values.

  • kwds (dict) – Base class arguments.


Shape of this TensorParameter.


array like of ints


Underlying dtype of this TensorParameter.


type convertible to np.dtype


Minimum value allowed for this TensorParameter.


scalar, optional, defaults to None


Maximum value allowed for this TensorParameter.


scalar, optional, defaults to None


True if this TensorParameter can have NaN values.



__setitem__(slices, value)[source]

Set a subview on this array parameter to a certain value (value can be broadcasted).

property ctype

Get the data type of the discrete field as a C type.

property dtype

Get parameter dtype.

property ignore_nans

Return True if array can have NaNs.


Iterate over all parameters views to yield scalarparameters.


Return a long description of this parameter as a string.

property max_value

Return maximum value allowed for array values.

property min_value

Return minimum value allowed for array values.

reallocate_tensor(shape, dtype, initial_value=None)[source]
property shape

Get parameter shape.


Return a short description of this parameter as a string.

property size

Get parameter size.

property tensor_value

Get a read-only view on this array parameter but always as a numpy array, even for ScalarParameter parameters.

view(idx, name=None, pretty_name=None, **kwds)[source]

Take a view on a scalar contained in the Parameter.